Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Dance today rocked :D
But it was so tiring I was dead after that. And I slept from 1 till 5.30 :/ I haven't gone for CCA for like so damn long. I was looking forward to today so much! :D But then now we have to go for Cheena trip D: 2 weeks somemore ): After Cheena it's reallyreally hardcore already (: I deteriorated so much! I'm so prepared to get muscle aches tomorrow. And I think my knee's going to screw up soon. Better bring glucosamine cream there :/
I don't feel like I'm going to take a plane to China in a few hours' time. Feels so surreal. And I honestly hope I am able to sleep early tonight so that I can wake up tomorrow at 3 plus. Freaking hell! Seriously, why do they have to book a freaking morning flight? I'd like a midnight one. Or an afternoon and night one would be fine by me. But why morning! -.- I'm not a morning person.
But anyway, shall watch Hairspray with Bianca on the plane. I'm so nice I didn't watch it on the plane to Japan and back because of her! Hahahahaha.
Oh and so cool! There are professional photographers in my home taking pictures of my house! :O I think it's for my mom's designer friend's publicity. He put snow in our table :D I like the snow. Heh. Now I suddenly feel like playing with snow. Lol. There's snow because Christmas is coming. If only Singapore had winter. I love winter! (:
I'm still quite tired from dance. And I can actually feel the muscle aches coming already :/ Gg to me. Okay I don't feel like blogging anymore. Hahaha. Shall start doing some worthwhile things while I'm still in Singapore.
6:30 PM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Came back from Japan on Friday night!
The scenery was great (: I love autumn leaves! But I think I like winter better :D Snow! :D Heh. We ate ShabuShabu one night and it was damn nice :D I love shabushabu! I think I grew fat after Japan. I ate ice-cream almost everyday D: But their ice-cream's damn nice and milky :D
We actually went to many places. I can't remember all of their names :/ oops. But anyway, at Otaru, there's this coffee shop whereby you can buy coffee with the cup and keep the cup! So cool xD and their cups can play melodies! Hahahaha. My mom was saying that they save in labour though. Which is true because they don't have to employ anyone to wash the cups because we wash the cups ourselves and they make us pay for the cups anyway.
We shopped like damn alot. Mostly food. Hahahahhaa so pig D: But anyway, we went there with 4 luggages (my 2 grandparents, me and my mom) and came back with 8 :O It's crazy. Hahahha my mom actually bought 3 new luggages there and I think I'm going to use one of them for Cheena. They have 4 wheels! Which makes it easier to roll. I wanted some Mickey Mouse luggage which was super duper cute but then we checked in already so cannot buy ): Bleah. Ohwell!
There was this super cute 3-year-old in my tour group! She's super hyper :D She seriously can't stop running around! Hahahahhaha. I miss her alot! ): She makes me want a baby sister! Feel like asking my mom to get pregnant xD hhahahaha but I've been telling her that since I was like, damn young and it hasn't happened yet -.- I wonder what it feels like to have a younger sibling...I wouldn't mind having a baby god sister though (: Ally could be my god sister! She's born in the year of monkey too! Hahahaha so cooool :D
Went for ballet on Saturday and I feel damn weak and lousy now ): My legs were like shivering! Hahaha thank goodness I wasn't alone though. Alethea was feeling the same :/ we are all getting suckier D: Usually that doesnt happen to me during ballet! Only during CD because laoshi rocks (: But ohwell I have to get back to hardcore training now! :D Oh wait, there's China first -.- Sigh.
Speaking of China, I don't know how I'm going to survive there. All of lessons are in Chinese D: Kill me ): I think I won't even understand half of what they'll be talking about in lessons. But I just hope that I don't fall asleep...I guess that's an accomplishment already (: Maybe I should bring Brands Essence there or something. HAHAHAHA.
I can't believe we have to be at the airport at 5am ): I don't even need to sleep (: Hahahaha. Stay awake till 4 and it's already time to wake up! Lol. I hate morning flights but I love midnight flights. Why can't they give us a midnight flight ): And right after we land, don't tell me we have to start studying :/ I hope they go easy on the first day :D And I hope I don't get food poisoning there. Thailand was enough :/
Okay I think I'll stop here! (:
See everyone in 2 weeks if I don't blog again xD
Toodles! :D
Oh yeah omg I think this is the first time I'm blogging at 9 plus xD
9:42 AM
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Enrique Iglesias is Fabulous.
The music he makes is really good! (: And he's a perfectionist. He took 3 years to make his album because he wanted it to be perfect. Usually artistes take about a year or even less than that. Hahahaha. I love his latest album and I think that his previous albums are just as good (: I've heard a few songs before. They're great :D Wheeee. Can't wait.
OTH's Second Season is better than the first. Haha. It's funny how I sleep less when EOYs are over. But ohwell, it always happens so... I'm not in the least surprised. But I think I should watch my eyebags.
Oh and dance today was great (: We lian-ed gong! :D But not too intense because we just got back. Obviously I'm like flabby shit now. -.- It's annoying. I have to start hardcore practice. I wanna get back whatever I used to have, and even better. Maybe I should go running (: Or go to the gym with my brother who says that he'll go to the gym at the club every Sunday but never does it. Hahahahaha. He's such a retard, seriously.
But anyway, we were discussing about choosing over Barcelona and performing at Esplanade. Sec2s and 3s chose Barcelona plus performing Dance Night at our School Audi, but the Sec1s chose otherwise. They chose Esplanade. Honestly, I have to say I'm quite disappointed. Not saying that I even had much expectations in the first place since there isn't the basic courtesy to say Thank You to someone who keeps the door open for you. But still, there's still that secret hope inside all of the seniors. And honestly, we were just thinking for all of them, and we're sacrificing a chance. I'd like to say more but I don't wanna get carried away with this because it has been discussed enough. So I'll just stop here.
Ohwell. I don't know what we'll be doing at school tomorrow. Better not be boring, although I'm not pinning any hopes at all. Hahahaha. Oh and kudos to Cheryl because she remembered to ask her mom to write a letter! (: But guess what, my mom didn't write any explanation in the letter and she said she didn't feel there was a need to -.- Right. I'm just hoping I don't get into too much trouble... Ladeedum.
Okay I shall go brush my teeth and everything before deciding if I should watch another disc. Hahahahah!
Toodles (:
2:42 AM
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Stayed home today.
Felt like it was quite a waste.
But it was fine. I wasted my life away watching One Tree Hill (: It's great, but if you gave me a choice between One Tree Hill and Prisonbreak Season 3, I'd still choose the latter (: I shall prove youknowwhoyouare that it's going to last! HAHAHA. Speaking of which, I haven't gotten to reading the magazine in detail yet. Ladeedum (: Should I continue watching OTH or should I go read the magazine now? If I watch, I can seriously forget about sleeping. I shall decide later.
And I just remembered something. I forgot to ask mom to write the letter. Damn! I can't wake her up in the morning to make her write it tomorrow, it's really mean and she deserves her sleep. Shit I can't believe I actually forgot. I told myself that I'd get it done and give it to Susie tomorrow. Ah well, what's done is done anyway.
I love
I Don't Wanna Be by
Gavin DeGraw! It's awesome (: I like it alot, and yes, it definitely is on repeat now :D So if you wanna share my iPod with me, you'll be listening to that (: And I know some people hate that :D Wahahahaha.
Dance tomorrow! Okay I should say this afternoon. Can't wait! Heard that they didn't do much on Friday. I'm really hoping we'll do barre and lotsa jumps and everything today. I need it! ): Loads of it. I'm like totally out of shape. I can't jump as well as I did ):
Oh yeah taking about dance brings me to Barcelona :D Nana emailed them and they said that the age shouldn't be a problem! So that means lots of Sec3's will be able to dance with us now! :D It's such great news. I'm not sure if that means that the Sec4 seniors are able to join us next year if they don't turn 17 yet, but I'm really seriously hoping they are able to! It'd be alot more fun with them around (: And of course, we NEED them (:
I'm really excited about the trip! It'll be loads of fun, especially with Nana coming along now. I can still remember the time we had at UK. It was fantabulous :D Hahahahaha loads of crap, yes, but it sure was fun! I can't wait for Dance Night either (: There's so much happening next year. I hope I don't screw my studies up again.
I still can't believe we're gonna be Sec4 next year, though. It's kind of weird, being the seniors without any other seniors anymore. It actually feels kind of scary, to a small extent. Like, how I don't know if I'm going to be a good enough senior for our juniors. I guess I'll get the answers next year. I'll have to get used to the fact that the Sec4's aren't going to be there every practice, either. But they'll come back, occassionally (: Since there's Dance Night :D
I really think our batch's really lucky. Dance Night when we're Sec4, the Barcelona trip, and many others which I can't recall right now. But those 2 are good enough :D Honestly, when I first joined NYCD, I was like thinking if we were the unlucky batch because we'd only be able to perform for SYF once in our 4 years. But then now, I take back those thoughts (: There'll always be stuff in stall for you, no? You just never know till you experience it for yourself.
And well I shall stop here and go read the Prisonbreak magazine properly now instead of getting carried away watching OTH and not catching any sleep at all anymore. Hahaha.
Ciaooo (:
2:11 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Omg I still can't really believe it and I'm extremely excited :D :D :D :D :D But I really hope that the age is limited to 16 AND below so that at least a few seniors will be able to join us! And more sec3s can join too. If not it's really a pity ): I'd feel so sad if I were them ):
We're going to be performing Feng Wu Yi Ren! :D Yay (: I haven't been dancing properly for soooo long. I'm so out of touch now. I had better start skipping :/ I want my bounce back ): I could hardly even jump high today D: Damn it. They didn't lian gong today either ): But I did a few ti tuis and tiaos with xiaoges. Although it was evidently not enough ):
Anyway, almost all the papers are back. Ohwell. But I guess I'm just really happy exams are over (: It was so stifling during that period of time. I seriously felt like I was going to get strangled and suffocated and die. Been watching lots of videos lately. But I'm even more lethargic nowadays than during the exam period! :O It's really weird. Like how I can't wake up in the morning and how I get so tired in the middle of the day now.
Oh but yesterday was much fun! :D I swear I had a whale of a time! Haven't had so much fun for quite some time already. I love my friends (: But of course, it comes with a price. Poor mina went home with scratches, Bianca lost her voice but got it back after that and a bruise, and I got a scratch but a really teeny one. I can see the nail shape xD Hahahahahaa. Mina perspired so much Nana's bedsheet was weeeeeeet! Mina went home with a really tattered hongzi too :/ hahahahah xD Maybe someday we should go back to nana's house again :D
Oh and I finally know what secretive thing Nana and Bianca were up to! I just knew it had something to do with Prisonbreak/Wentworth :D They actually cut out pictures of him they found in a magazine! Wahahahaha (: It's not safe and sound with me and I will keep them properly :D
Speaking of which, I WANT THE PRISONBREAK MAGAZINE, still! ): Which reminds me, I haven't made a trip to Kino yet. Sheesh maybe I'll go tomorrow :D I'm going shopping tomorrow :D Oh no make that today. I can't wait! I feel so deprived already ): I want Season Three too ):
Oh yeah, on Wednesday we met this woman with really really bad service. It was Appalling. I've never seen a better one before. She must be proud to have that honour (: Sigh. Anyway I shall save the details because I'm actually too lazy to type everything out. Hope she gets fired. Ladeedum.
Friendster sucks! It has been down since yesterday and it's still NOT UP yet. So annoying!
2:26 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
Mugging Geography is so boring.
I keep finding myself getting distracted by all sorts of stuff. Mainly my brother, because he keeps coming into my room to ask me to watch Naruto. And damn, I can't control myself and I actually get tempted to watch ): Wasted a lot of time watching Naruto. Shan't waste my time tomorrow since it's the last day left. Wait, make that today. I'm really tired now ): I keep yawning! It's bad because I initially wanted to stay up to study. I shall wake up early in the morning! :D It's so rare, I'm so used to taking brunch. Hahahaha.
Anyway, I think Neji's really cool and pro. But I like Sasuke's hair :D It's cool. And I can't believe I actually teared watching his story. Damn touching ): I'm serious! Oh I'm talking about Naruto anyway. Heh :D My brother says Naruto is better but somehow I still prefer Bleach. Maybe it's because I think Ichigo is handsome and funkayye :D Don't say I'm weird! His orange hair is really cool :D But I'm not crazy over him like how I am over Wentworth (: and not forgetting, Keita! Heh (:
I love Classical Gas! It's a guitar song composed by Mason Williams. It's really nice! There are many versions of it but I still think the original's the best (: Vanessa Mae's violin version is not too bad though. But I don't like the Tommy Emmanuel's, or something like that, version! It's too retarded, honestly. No offence to his fans. But for an acoustic player, he moves too much ._. As in, he gets reallyreally high and he STANDS UP? I can picture the kind of thing he does on a rocker electric guitarist but not on acoustics! It's just really weird. And I think his arrangement is weird too. Sometimes I can barely hear what he's playing! Hahahhahaa. But ohwell, each to his own! (:
It's already Monday :O Tomorrow's going to be Tuesday :O Ohmyhell. I can't wait! :D I can't wait for Wednesday even more! Wonder what we're gonna do. Hope it's going to be an exciting day :D :D :D :D Heh heh heh!
After Tuesday, I can clear my table of all the crap! Actually it was already cleared (my maid cleared it. Oops. But she did it voluntarily! I initially didn't want her to touch my stuff because I don't like it when I don't know where all my stuff ends up.) but then as time passed... (and it has only been about a week) things started piling up again. Ladeedum (: Maybe I should learn how to be more organised from Cher. HAHA! :D Cher, won't you be my organising mentor? :D
Oh and somehow, after taking so many exams, I can no longer write properly ._. Just now I was writing Geog notes and I couldn't write properly! ): Sigh. So I put YokoYoko :D Hahahha doesn't make sense but I just saw it on my table and I was like Oh! So I just used it ._.
After exams I'll practice guitar more (: As I promised my teacher! Wahahaha.
I'm looking forward to CCA (: It's been really long... I can't wait to get muscle aches again :D I somehow miss them! And I most definitely miss Laoshi's training! And I miss doing zhong tiaos with xiaoges and barre and EVERYTHING. Thinking about it, seniors will be going away soon... No ): I can't believe it. My fellow liangong people ): Ahhhhhh I don't want to think about it! The thought of it hurts ):
Sigh okay I shall get back to MUGGING Geog.
Cheryl, stop being a slacker.
1:03 AM
Friday, October 05, 2007
Omg. It doesn't feel like we've taken all our papers except geog D: And gg to me, I haven't started studying for geog yet! ): I am determined to start tonight. Because I don't wanna regret anymore ): Stupid bio. I feel damn...UGH ): Ah but whatever, it's all over! I'm not looking forward to getting my papers back ):
On a lighter note, I'M GOING FOR BALLET TOMORROW! :D
Damn, I can't wait to dance! I hope Alethea's going tomorrow! It's all fun with her around with me because we always laugh at the slightest things! Wahahahaha. And I'm still wondering if there are any more grades to take after CSTD Elementary. I'm thinking of trying out RAD's syllabus. I can't imagine what will happen to me if I stop dancing ballet. Or maybe I could take the teaching course. HAHAHAHAHA. Can you imagine me teaching? Because I cant D: HAHAHAHAHHAA. Maybe I won't mind teaching the little kiddies but I might just go nuts. Maybe I should try! Trains my patience and tolerance :D
Anyway...I'm thinking of what to do on marking day :D HAHAHAHHA Exams not over and I'm already thinking of playing. I swear Mina has telepathy with me! We were thinking of the same thing! HEHEHEHEHEH :D
And I'm wondering of what Bianca and Nana are up to too... They've been extremely secretive about something! And apparently they keep forgetting to bring it to school. HAHAHAH. I'm hoping it's a prisonbreak poster or something :D Nah just kidding. Doubt it is.
Then they can be best friends! :D
Okay that's all for today (:
I shall go study geog SOON.
11:47 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Time seriously flies. It hardly feels like we had FIVE exams already. :O But anyway, MATH IS OVER (: For that, I'm super glad. But Chem seriouslyseriouslySERIOUSLY killed today. I swear, I'm going to fail. And really badly ): I'm not kidding! D: Sighhhhh. I guess next time I should start studying earlier and practice more ): ): ): But the questions which came out, I've never ever done them in my whole life before! Like wtf. TOMATO SOUP -.- It's totally retarded.
Tomorrow's Bio and I feel even more unprepared. I still have Two transports, Respiration and Excretion to read through and memorise. And its not like I can remember all the facts for the other topics extremely well. Someone, please kill me ): Now I'm having second thoughts about going for ballet on Saturday. But if I don't go this Saturday, I won't be dancing for 3 weeks ): Which hurts because I miss dancing LOADS.
I'm really tired and lethargic now. I think it's because of all the exams ): MY BRAIN IS SATURATED ALREADY ): I'm not like those pro people who can just keep studying all day long. My brains get fried if I study too much ): Maybe tomorrow after Bio I'll come home and seriously sleep for one whole afternoon and only start studying at night. But honestly there's not even a guarantee that I will study at night. Don't even know if I'll have the mood. Guess I'll just have to psycho myself... Somehow. ):
Okay enough crapping and rambling. I shall go back to Bio now...
Good luck to me.
I hope Bio won't kill as much as Chem did although Cher was like saying that ny's bio paper is the hardest in the whole of Singapore. As in Secondary schools. Like, wtf ): I think I'm going to fail all my eoys. ): ):
4:23 PM